Everything You Need to Know Before Reading Six of Crows

By Christi Stephenson

Do you want to jump on the Leigh Bardugo bandwagon and don't quite know where to start? Well, step right up, my friend, and take a seat, because there is plenty of room for you right next to me! 

Netflix Shadow and Bone Cast
Netflix Shadow and Bone Cast

Now that you are here, let's start with Six Of Crows. If you've seen Shadow and Bone on Netflix, you have a pretty good idea who Kaz Brekker (SWOON) and his band of misfits are. Netflix took the Shadow and Bone trilogy and combined it with the Six of Crows duology, so when you decide to read these wonderfully written books, you won't be confused about what is going on and why some characters may be missing. Also, you don't need to read the Shadow and Bone trilogy first because it is set a few years before Six of Crows

Synopsis of Six of Crows

Seventeen-year-old criminal mastermind Kaz Brekker worked his way up the ranks in the Dregs, but when an opportunity is presented to Kaz to make himself rich beyond his wildest dreams, he can't resist—he also can't pull it off alone. A job full of revenge, redemption, and riches brings six misfits from the slums of Ketterdam together to pull off an impossible heist, but will they succeed, or will they tear each other apart first?

No Mourners, No Funerals

This book is an ensemble cast of outcasts that Leigh Bardugo brilliantly brought together in a world that is heavily influenced by Amsterdam, a little bit of Antwerp (a city in Belgium less than ten miles south of the Dutch border), Old New York, Las Vegas, and Victorian London. Each character has their own motivations, and some are fueled by very tragic backstories. Friendships are reluctantly formed as these teenagers learn to trust and navigate the new life they have chosen. 

Antwerp, City in Belgium
Antwerp, City in Belgium

Each character brings flavor to the story. Nina brings confidence and determination, while Matthias shows us that outdated ideologies can be overcome. Wylan's innocence and naivete create balance within the hard-nosed group, and Jesper shows us that everyone is fallible and it's okay to need help and be who you are. Inej, with her uncanny stealth and agility, shows enduring loyalty, and last but not least, Kaz's rigidity tells us that revenge is sometimes the only answer.

Leigh Bardugo got her inspiration for Six of Crows from the movie Ocean's Eleven, and said in the Q&A at the back of my copy of Six of Crows that she almost drove off the side of the road because all she could think of was a "MAGICAL HEIST."

She also said she watched a lot of hockey while writing this, and several characters have hockey players' names. Pekka Rollins came to mind immediately because I thought of my favorite hockey player and goalie from the Nashville Predators—Go Preds!—Pekka Rinne.

The Diamond in the Rough

Kaz Brekker is the fixer-upper you didn't know you needed. While (almost) every character in this book is loveable and relatable, Kaz Brekker really stands out and sets the bar for any future book boyfriend you may have. He never tells the whole truth and is always ten steps ahead of everyone else. Despite this, everyone stays loyal to Kaz and loves to hate him. And the will-they-wont-they relationship he has with Inej is so beautifully written! Kaz was given the nickname "Dirty Hands'' for always wearing a pair of gloves. Nobody is quite sure why, but you'll have to read the book if you want to know. I PROMISE you won’t be disappointed. I mean, who can resist a motley crew up against incredible odds?

Favorite Quotes from Six of Crows

"When you can't beat the odds, change the game."

"If it were a trick, I'd promise you safety. I'd offer you happiness. I don't know if that exists in the Barrel, but you'll find none of it with me." - For some reason, those words had comforted her. Better terrible truths than kind lies."

"Stealing the impossible is about more than just the prize. It's about proving everyone else wrong."

AND last but not least, THE quote from Inej to Kaz:

"I will have you without armor, Kaz Brekker. Or I will not have you at all."

Other works by Leigh Bardugo

If you're looking for something outside the Grishaverse, check out Ninth House and its sequel, Hell Bent, as well as Leigh Bardugo's newest book, The Familiar.

Ninth House follows the story of high school dropout Alex Stern, who gets a scholarship to Yale and must monitor the activities of its secret societies in return. But these societies are not what they seem. They practice (sometimes) forbidden magic, and after a ritual goes wrong, Darlington disappears, and secrets and enemies are revealed. 

Hell Bent follows the events of Ninth House, bringing Alex and some unusual allies together to stop at nothing to bring Darlington back. But will he be the same once he returns? 

The Familiar is set in the Spanish Golden Age and follows Luzia, a young servant who has the ability to perform small miracles. Her ambitious mistress demands that she use her powers to win over the most influential members of Madrid's society. But it takes a turn into dangerous grounds, and the help from an immortal familiar may not be enough when his secrets are deadly to them both. 

Christi Stephenson is an eight-year combat Army veteran. She lives in Texas with her husband of twelve years, an eighteen-year-old cat, and an eight-year-old chocolate lab. She likes naps, Dr Pepper, and Bluebonnets, but you will find her hidden in a book or spending time with family and friends in her free time.

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