'Midnight Strikes' Book Club Readalong Schedule!

By: Cori Reed Photo By: @betterwithabookinmyhand

We're back for another readalong! We're about to start our monthly readalong for our March book pick, Midnight Strikes by Zeba Shanaz!

On each day we'll read a section of the book and then discuss in the comments our theories and predictions. This means there will be spoilers for each section! Beware! By engaging in these discussions someone will win a free OwlCrate box! I will randomly select one comment at the end of the readalong to win their next box for free. 

Here is the full schedule:

May 12th: Chapters 1-3

May 13th: Chapters 4-6

May 14th: Chapters 7-9

May 15th: Chapters 10-12

May 16th: Chapters 13-15

May 17th: Chapters 16-20

May 18th: Chapters 2 (page 372) to end

Don’t think you will be able to read the full section on time each day? No worries! Go at your own pace and come back to answer the questions and discuss when you’re done.

Have any questions? Please ask!