'J.R. Silver Writes Her World' Book Club: Day 3 [End]

By: Shanleigh Klassen Photo By: @beachesandreads

“The magazines can tap a certain magic in you. But you have to work for it.”

Welcome to the final day of the OwlCrate Jr book club read-along for J.R. Silver Writes Her World by Melissa Dassori. What will J.R. write into existence next? Will she be able to salvage her friendship with Violet? Read on to find out!

This is a spoiler discussion for pages 165-254, so if you haven’t finished the book yet, look away! You have until Friday, August 26th to get caught up and join in on the conversation. Anyone who participates in the discussion questions below will be entered to win a free OwlCrate Jr box, one per post!

The Story Concludes . . .

J.R. catches Alex just as he’s heading to the Met, so she joins him and confronts him about Ms. Kline. Alex admits that yes, he is a part of the Gothamite magazine network and that it was him that alerted Ms. Kline to J.R. He suggests that she try doing something selfless for her next assignment.

Returning to school after a sudden snowstorm (thanks to J.R. and the magazines), Ms. Kline gives them a new Gothamite assignment to develop character. J.R. spies a cover with a dog that closely resembles a lost dog in her neighborhood. She writes a story about how the lost dog is brought back home by a friendly jogger. Feeling good about herself, J.R. stops by June’s on the way home and while Alex is out of the office, discovers a letter that says the bookstore’s lease is about to expire and that June’s Books will need to close.

The next day in French class, J.R. is paired up with Aria. Though their conversation starts a little shakily, they quickly learn they have a lot in common. Aria even asks her to join a writing camp at the French embassy in the summer. J.R. is a bit caught off guard, but interested.

As J.R. and Tommy head to their own soccer practices, Tommy shares how although he’s close with his cousin, he wasn’t invited to his birthday party this year. J.R. thinks Tommy’s cousin is a jerk, but Tommy explains that although he was a bit hurt, he understands that friendships change as people grow up. When Tommy tries to say it’s similar to her situation with Violet, J.R. storms off.

J.R. heads to Violet’s house the next day and reveals that June’s Books is closing. She and Violet write a draft email to send to the East Side Press and hopefully bring attention to the closure. However, come Monday morning, Violet says she didn’t send the email in, saying “maybe it isn’t something we should get involved in.”

J.R. feels betrayed by Violet for abandoning their plan. At the school library a few days later, J.R. overhears how Adelaide had stopped Violet’s crush from asking her to the dance. J.R. confronts Adelaide alongside Ava, but then Adelaide reveals that Ava’s dad is the landlord kicking June’s Books out – and Violet knew. That night J.R. angrily texts Violet about what she discovered, only to realize she accidentally texted their entire class’s group chat.

J.R. and Violet avoid each other all day at school. To cheer herself up, J.R. heads to the Met and finds Violet hiding out in one of their favorite rooms. The two have a long overdue conversation about their friendship with J.R. apologizing for the accidental group text and how jealous she’s been over Violet and Ava’s new friendship. Violet accepts J.R.’s apologies and wants both Ava and J.R. to become friends as well – although she has been enjoying getting to know other people for the first time. J.R. understands, and the two wander through a few Met exhibits together like old times.


Although J.R. knows she won’t be able to save June’s Books, she still wants to commemorate the store. J.R. even reaches out to Ava, who happily informs her that June’s Books will not close after all! With Violet’s help, she puts together a book filled with notes to celebrate June’s anniversary. Alex is touched and shares that he’s going back to school to become a teacher. J.R. thinks that’s an excellent idea.

After the sixth-grade sea shanty assembly, J.R. discovers that Ms. Kline is heading to New Orleans after the holidays, most likely to help another kid with the Gothamite covers. Violet and Ava invite J.R. over for a sleepover after the school dance, which J.R. happily accepts.

Discussion Questions:
  1. How do you think J.R. and Violet’s friendship will change over the years?

  2. Ms. Kline arrived to help J.R. learn something about herself. What lesson do you think J.R. had to learn?

  3. Share any other thoughts  you have about J.R. Silver Writes Her World.

Thank you so much for joining us on this book club read-along and I hope you've enjoyed it as much as have. We’ll be back in a couple of weeks to read through our August  book, to be revealed soon. Happy reading!

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