We're so excited that it's time to unveil all the goodies featured in our February 2021 WRITE IT DOWN box!

When taking notes to solve a historical mystery, it is always best to write things down. Writing plays a big part in our featured book, from journaling and researching, to the discovery of old letters. Our love of writing, storytelling, and the creative process inspired this theme and all the great items we featured here.

Cover photo by @bookskidslove_

Our featured book for February 2021 is The In-Between by Rebecca K.S. Ansari, a haunting and thoughtful adventure about two siblings who discover and unravel a hundred-year-old unsolved mystery.

'The In-Between' by Rebecca K.S. Ansari with author letter behind. Book is surrounded by paper flowers.

"Cooper is lost. Ever since his father left, he has withdrawn from his friends and family, only sharing his true feelings in his journal. But what is the deal with the pale, creepy girl who moved in next door… and why won’t she stop staring at him?"

This story blew us away and has even received a starred review from Kirkus Reviews.

Photo by @a.o.tales

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Do you have the acumen to write a cogent yet concise paragraph, or has this sentence left you utterly flummoxed? Learn these delicious words, plus dozens more with eeBoo’s deck of 100 Great Words! 

Write whatever you want, however you want in your new notebook, featuring a quote by poet Juan Ramón Jiménez and designed by Stephani Stilwell.

Store your favorite writing tools in style with this awesome zippered pencil pouch designed by Janine Lecour

Keep it old school with this mini typewriter and pencil enamel pin set designed by Stacey McEvoy-Caunt.

Pack all your new goodies into this Diary of a Wimpy Kid drawstring backpack so you can write on the go! Plus, enjoy these stickers from Rowley Jefferson’s latest collection of stories. Backpack and stickers provided by Abrams Books.

Our February 2021 collectible sticker was designed just for us by Lydia Nichols.

 Also included was our monthly magazine featuring an interview with Rebecca, a fill-in the word activity, and an interview with Janine Lecour. Magazine art and layout designed Melanie Demmer.

Extras of 'WRITE IT DOWN' box, as well as other select boxes can be found over in our Shop at  owlcrate.com.

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Shanleigh Klassen